Friday, June 11, 2010

PMC RC: Sundown Marathon

Congratulations to our friends who completed their respective events at the Sundown marathon on 29/30 May!

Ruf completed her first half marathon in spite of ITB!

Desmond completed 42 km in a blistering 5:30! This is his first marathon since 20 years ago.... and he said that one marathon every 20 years is about right...

Boon Pin - our veteran marathoner - my guess is 4:30 or faster.

Joan - her second full marathon! Well done!

Poh Kiang and I also completed the grueling 84km. Some of you may know that PK sustained a shoulder injury some months ago, and remarkably he took only 6 weeks to train and complete the ultra! Folks, don't try this unless you have a strong running base like PK!

It has been a long journey for many of us, and it's time to take a well deserved break for June.

Looking forward: Some of you have registered for the Singapore Bay Run / Army Half Marathon on September 12, and some of our ladies have signed up for the Shape Run on July 25. If you wish to participate in a running event, please consider the SBR/AHM. It's well organized and there are various distances - 5km, 10km and of course, 21km.

For more information, please see:

If you are keen to participate in a race and wish more information, please drop me an email.

We'll start our running sessions again in July! In the meantime, continue running, keep fit and have fun!

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