Saturday, January 30, 2010

My First Marathon, A Journey about Patience

Like many ‘normal’ human beings, running a marathon is an inhuman thing, and is probably the last thing I want to do, since I hardly ever do more than a 2.4km run. In 2008, I completed my first half-marathon, with the lack of preparation then, and the painful experience, I was convinced that a full marathon is not possible!!

However, my perception changed, after joining PMC running community since it started in 2009. In the many jogs that we had, SE will always tell me, a marathon is possible with preparation, training and rest. For me, my marathon started in June 2009, the day I signed up and started training for it. Overall, in my training, I did a 10km, 15km, 22km and a 29km run.

On 6th Dec 2009, like everyone else, my marathon started at 0530hrs. Daniel was my only jogging buddy for that day. Like most runners, I have set goal for myself, to complete the race within 6 hours. Bearing the distances in mind, Daniel and I kept a pace of 8min/km. After the route around the CDB area, we came to Fort Road, toward East Coast Park. At this point, I saw the professional runners on their way back, giving me the impression that the end is near, little do I know, East Coast Park is a real long and tedious journey.

The consistence pacing fell apart at about the 27 km point. My muscles could not hold the strain and was giving me bad cramp. Honestly, whatever 6-hour goal and completion thoughts were gone as fatigue and pain kicks in. Thank God for sending Daniel to run with me, who did not leave me behind (obviously he is fitter and can probably go ahead of me). At the point of intense tiredness, all other things did not matter, much less the goals, but it was a jogging companion that kept me going. After every few hundred meters, we would move to the side and stretch. Each time we took a break, Daniel would say, “Ok? Let’s go”. With this, I managed to finish the race running, and not walking.

God brought to my mind this verse through this experience, “…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” Heb 12:1-2. God did not say, fix our eyes on the goals, for He knows, when pain and fatigue kicks in, what keep us going is not a goal, but a ‘running companion’.

At 6 hours and 22 mins, Daniel and I ran past the finishing line together. Though it was not within the targeted timing, but there was still great satisfaction in the completion. Lastly, doing a marathon is doable, especially if you do it and train within a community.

Teck Hui
PMC Running Community

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