Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PMC run session April 25, 2009

The PMC run sessions are currently scheduled every other Sat morning. If you have not been able to make it for the last two sessions for whatever reason, fret not. Just come and join us when you can.

Date: April 25 (Sat)
Venue: PMC church foyer
Time: 7:30 am

Route: We have a three distance options - 3 km, 5 km and 6 km. The route is similar to our last run, except that there will be an additional 1 km loop across the second bridge.

We'd also like to reassure all interested runners that there'll always be a shorter distance options for folks who are rather intimidated by distances such as 5 km. The 3 km route will be a U-turn at the first bridge.