Wednesday, June 10, 2009

PMC Runner Focus: Nicholas Teo

Running for me in my primary and secondary school days has always been something akin to a competition, something that I could never really enjoy since every time I ran, there was a certain pressure to beat a certain time, run faster than a certain individual or simply not be the last to come in.

This particular insecurity was also heightened by the fact that I was fat and short (in primary sch and lower sec) and couldn’t really match up to many friends whenever I ran during PE lessons. It was not until upper sec when my stamina improved a little (after being convinced to run at home at least once a week) and although I managed to find someone whom I could pace with after these runs, running was still something I couldn’t really enjoy because of the problem of breathing. I also could never understand how some of my friends could run and still talk at the same time to their friends while keeping a regular pace.

Prior to joining this running ministry, I found the answers I was looking for in Kang Wei who showed me that running (long distance especially) didn’t necessarily need to start off or be at a fast pace. Through the three to four times a week runs I started having with him after that initial run, I started learning to find that comfortable rhythm in me where my body felt like it was operating as One and I could run, talk, process thoughts and even enjoy the sights and sounds around me all at the same time.

Joining this ministry has allowed me to experience that rhythm more and more. It has also given me the opportunity to run with different people and encourage / receive encouragement from them as I run. Running with them has also showed me that although goals are important, the people around you, especially beside and behind you are important too because they are the people whom will ultimately see you through your runs.

Nic will be enlisting in National Service this month with the commando unit. Keep running, keep safe. May God watch and sustain you!

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