Tuesday, May 5, 2009

PMC Angels run4COSI

The children of COSI have always held a special place in the hearts of many PMC youths, young adults and church members. Each COSI kid has a story to tell, and it is usually a sad and tragic story. We have seen them grown, from toddlers to teenagers. Through the years, we have journeyed with them, sharing their joys, achievements and concerns, supporting them with our prayers and showering them with our love.

For some of the older kids, the time of reckoning has come. Each child can only stay with the orphanage until the age of 18 (or grade 12). This is a growing source of anxiety for many.

The following video underscores their predicament.

PMC, together with Bedok Methodist Church and MMS, initiated the Post COSI Integration Program to prepare COSI graduates for reentry into their community of origin and society outside of COSI.

The main objective for the PCOSIIP is to empower every COSI graduate to become useful citizen in the Kingdom of God as well as in the Kingdom of Cambodia. A key element in PCOSIIP is to sponsor COSI youths through tertiary education under the PCOSIIP Education Fund. Two youths were admitted into a Phnom Penh university last year. Over the course of the next two years, an estimated 12 youths would be graduating from high school grade 12.

With the burgeoning number of COSI youths scheduled to graduate from COSI over the coming years, it is imperative that coordinated effort be directed toward raising funds for PCOSIIP Education Fund. Over the past years, the COSI Angel’s Program in PMC has raised substantial money to finance the trips undertaken by our youth teams to COSI.

This year, the COSI young adults team in conjunction with YMPACT youths and the PMC running community are launching the Angels run4COSI program. The Angels run4COSI will raise funds via outright donations and runner pledges. Every cent raised will be channeled towards the PCOSIIP Education Fund.

Yes, participants in the Angels run4COSI will be undertaking a run!

The designated event is the Streetwise Run scheduled for July 5, 2009 (Sunday). The non-competitive category open to the public is the 4 km run, with an estimated 3:30 pm flag off. Registration fee is by way of a donation (minimum of $10).

We would like you to join us in securing the future for the COSI kids by either making a donation (cheque made payable to "Pentecost Methodist Church", and noting "Angels run4COSI" at the back of the cheque) and/or participating as an Angel in the Streetwise Run. Each Angel undertakes a pledge to raise a minimum of $200 for the PCOSIIP education fund.

For more information, please contact Hongyee or Rachel.

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